Strategic Plan

The ACJC Strategic Plan was adopted by the board in February, 2020, after conversations and feedback from community stakeholders. As we work to implement this plan, we have a number of work groups dedicated to continuing community partnership and conversation around how ACJC can best serve the community.

Here’s what our board president, Brian Williams, had to say about this plan:

“The Arts Council’s new strategic plan was born out of listening to our community. The results were revealing. The organization was being called on to play a larger role for the arts in Johnson County and better reflect the community we are serving. These next three years will be an exciting time for the Arts Council of Johnson County as we take on a greater leadership role in the arts and continue to increase the visibility of our brand with help from our community.”

Mission Driven Initiatives

 Strategic Initiative

1. Programs: Deliver programs that empower participation, educate and foster connection in the arts.

Goal 1.1 Current Programs: Continue to improve current programs in alignment with our mission and goals.

Goal 1.2 New programs: Identify program opportunities that meet the needs/gaps in the County, that both align with County priorities and ACJC goals.

Strategic Initiative

2. Convening: Strengthen the arts in Johnson County by bringing stakeholders together around shared issues/opportunities that lead to positive action.

Goal 2.1 Identifying Issues/Opportunities: Continue to identify key issues/opportunities in which county-wide collaboration can benefit and strengthen the arts.

Goal 2.2 Approach: Establish a consistent approach to guide the convening of stakeholders that establishes ACJC as the known resource for collaboration, facilitation and communication.

Strategic Initiative

3. Advocacy:  Work to establish, promote and advance efforts for the arts, serving as the unified voice of the arts for Johnson County.

Goal 3.1 Identify New Needs: Continue to scan the environment to identify needs/opportunities for advocacy.

Goal 3.2 Promote and Advance: Garner support for current initiatives and advance as appropriate.


Supporting Initiatives


Strategic Initiative

4. Fundraising & Financial Sustainability: Grow our fundraising efforts and diversify revenue streams to ensure long-term financial sustainability.

Goal 4.1 Current Support: Preserve and enhance the core level of financial support through current donors and Johnson County government.

Goal 4.2 Other Revenue Streams: Explore potential revenue streams that would include grants, earned revenue and other fundraising sources of income.

Strategic Initiative

5. People & Operational Excellence: Recruit, develop and retain highly competent, passionate and diverse staff, Boards and volunteers who actively demonstrate their commitment to the mission of ACJC, while operating in a highly efficient manner.

Goal 5.1 Boards:  Be Board of choice by intentionally recruiting and developing mission-driven and highly-engaged members who broadly represent the arts community.

Goal 5.2 Staff: Recruit, develop and retain an engaged, informed, diverse and skilled staff who provide their talent and expertise to help fulfill the mission of ACJC.

Goal 5.3 Volunteers: Recruit, develop and retain a diverse, loyal and productive group of volunteers who can help support programs and promote ACJC within the community.

Goal 5.4 Operational Excellence: Provide sufficient processes, systems and oversight to maximize the operational efficiency and impact of our work.

Strategic Initiative

6. Community Outreach & Marketing: Community outreach and marketing efforts will advance awareness of the ACJC name, purpose and goal achievement.

Goal 6.1 Marketing Plan: Create and execute a Marketing Plan that will increase community visibility and engagement.